Forums - Which system has the best version of SSF2T? (Apoc , please answer) Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Which system has the best version of SSF2T? (Apoc , please answer) ( Posted by fomaman on 08:27:2001 09:24 PM: Which system has the best version of SSF2T? (Apoc , please answer) this has always been not only my fav. SF game, but my fav. game period. with all this talk about it here lately - a bit more than usual- i'm curious as to what the opinions are of it's best home version. i mean you know, the saturn is hands down claimer of the best version of SFA3, but SSF2T? what system has got the definitive version, aside from the fucking arcade, of course. i have the saturn and DC versions, and even though it DOES have slowdown- yuck- and less than perfect sound, i think i gotta' go with my saturn. better control or something (the timing feels a little off for me on the DC). APOC- i'd appreciate a little feedback from you on this topic as it's really been your well thought out posts that have again whetted my appetite for this - arguably the greatest 2D fighting game of all time- i still haven't played CVS2. so please, post away guys. and if i hear the 3DO has the definitive best version, i'm hunting one down. Posted by Overdrive on 08:27:2001 09:32 PM: I'm not APOC, but I think it's widely accepted that the DC version of ST is the best. The only problem with the DC version is that it seems slightly too easy to cancel into supers. You'll notice it right away... you'll be comboing away, hit the arcade version, and suddenly, you can't do squat. But other than that, it's dead-on perfect. It also has a training mode, which every other home version of ST has been sorely missing. The Saturn version not only has slowdown problems, but it also has some weird glitches where Guile can put multiple sonic booms on the screen. Put Guile at fullscreen, do a jab sonic boom, charge back for about 2 seconds, throw another before the first one leaves the screen. It's kinda glitchy in that A) you're not supposed to be able to have 2 projectiles per character on the screen at once and B) the first sonic boom will actually travel harmlessly through your opponent when the second one is released. I've also seen weird stuff with Ryu's fireball disappearing, but haven't been able to consistently duplicate it. Posted by Q8-Seth on 08:28:2001 12:32 AM: Well, I played most of the ST home versions, And I say that 3DO and DC are the most arcade perfect ones.3DO isn't 100% arcade (no old characters, crazy HF chains and some characteristic differences) but still the gameplay is there. The DC one is really good I could say %98 arcade, it also has the cool Dip Switch menu that tweaks the game a little. The SS as mentioned in the previous post is it's really BAD. Slowdown, close attacks come out from farther range than original arcade, Ryu's hadokens are faster..etc. As for the PS version it is similar to the SS except no slowdown and many bugs were fixed. Hope this helps, Apoc might have more to say about these conversions than I Posted by Apoc on 08:28:2001 03:12 AM: Re: Which system has the best version of SSF2T? (Apoc , please answer) quote: Originally posted by fomaman this has always been not only my fav. SF game, but my fav. game period. with all this talk about it here lately - a bit more than usual- i'm curious as to what the opinions are of it's best home version. i mean you know, the saturn is hands down claimer of the best version of SFA3, but SSF2T? what system has got the definitive version, aside from the fucking arcade, of course. i have the saturn and DC versions, and even though it DOES have slowdown- yuck- and less than perfect sound, i think i gotta' go with my saturn. better control or something (the timing feels a little off for me on the DC). APOC- i'd appreciate a little feedback from you on this topic as it's really been your well thought out posts that have again whetted my appetite for this - arguably the greatest 2D fighting game of all time- i still haven't played CVS2. so please, post away guys. and if i hear the 3DO has the definitive best version, i'm hunting one down. Wow, what a way to make my day Thanks alot I really don't think anything can hold a candle to the DC version. Even down to certain idiosycracies like the Vega standing flying trick work on both that and the arcade. Also the training mode is a Godsend for most. Before if you wanted to practice comboing supers you'd need a friend or a dummy on player 2. Then you'd have to charge your bar then try. If you messed up and used your super anyway you'd almost end the round and still have to charge up your super again AND after the next attempt you have to charge again the next round...THEN start a new match etc.... Talk about tedious and not worth it:P Training mode offers players an opportunity to hone their skills as far as combos and such like never before as well as letting you learn the ranges of everything without having to go through load time or between rounds, etc. The DC version, I think, is about 98% reliable. The only difference I had found so far (before Valle and my DCs were stolen in Sunnyvale) was that Rog super motion on the DC doesn't require a complete forward tap until the end of his super motion which makes comboing his super much easier without worrying about messing up and doing a normal dash. So you can do:Jump in,2-3cr. jabs, back+jab at the same time(technically you hit neutral but for explanation purposes just think of tapping back with jab after charging), then forward plus Jab. You never have to worry about accidentily doing a normal rush Too bad I can't get it to work on the Arcade heheh. But that's the only gameplay difference I've found yet. So, so far I believe the dc to be a reliable conversion. Add the training mode and what more do you need. Ppl getting into ST now have a MUCH easier time than when we all played it in the arcades. I only played the 3D0 one a few times and it's been too long to remember. DC is leagues better than saturn and psx imo. Also I know a few friends that can combo supers darn consistantly now thanx to the DC training mode and comboing supers (or specials into supers) is the most difficult on ST so...that right there is a good sign of it's merit. That's my opinion on it. Apoc. Posted by BabiG on 08:28:2001 04:40 AM: Don't forget the emulated PC version. While technically not a 'real' version, it should be the closest to the arcade, -is- the arcade. Mame and Final Burn have graphical problems (due to missing features) but Nebula should run it perfect. Posted by fomaman on 08:28:2001 03:14 PM: Apoc, guys- thanks for your responses. they are much appreciated. the quest is on for me to find a perfect controller for my DC. Posted by Siegfried on 08:28:2001 03:55 PM: The actual PC version is quite good too. Unfortunately it runs at a different resolution than the arcade, and they solved the problem by simply making the backgrounds slightly smaller and keeping the characters the same size, making them appear larger on the screen. Of course there is the problem with controllers, but otherwise the PC version is good. Once you patch it up a little to avoid it hanging when Fei-Long does an air throw ^_^. Posted by Overdrive on 08:28:2001 04:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by fomaman Apoc, guys- thanks for your responses. they are much appreciated. the quest is on for me to find a perfect controller for my DC. Get a MAS stick from It's a little expensive, but that's about as good as it gets. You can also have it wired up to work with multiple systems consoles. Posted by fomaman on 08:28:2001 05:08 PM: overdrive- thanks for the tip, but there's one problem. I SUCK WITH A STICK!!! (make your own joke here) seriously though, i've tried the MAS sticks and not only did i play like shit, but the damn thing broke in less than a week. i 'm just not meant to play with a stick, besides- my girl can't lay on my lap when i play with a stick and that's usually my favorite way to play. Posted by balrog on 08:29:2001 04:31 AM: the pc dos version of ST suck:loading times,too big chars and bugs....try the emu version in nebula just perfect and "free"! Posted by crossover on 08:29:2001 01:31 PM: USA B-board (the blue version) I'm such a smartass All times are GMT. The time now is 10:49 PM. Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.